Transaction emails in the inbox thanks to authorized and whitelisted SMTP servers

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Average time to send an e-mail


Email deliverability


Jean Louis David is the largest and one of the most recognized hairdressing brands in Poland. Online store offers professional hair care cosmetics. EmailLabs is responsible for deliverability of transactional emails in the e-store: order confirmations, account registrations and transaction status updates. Thanks to this cooperation JLD is successfully building its customer base.



Online shop was experiencing a problem with transactional emails that often landed in the SPAM tab.


Customers were calling the hotline because they wanted to know what was happening with their emails., This created a significant workload for the Customer Service Team


Employees distracted by a problematic phone calls.


Undelivered e-mails didn’t have a good impact on the satisfaction of demanding customers and on the reputation of the company.



Switching to EmailLabs infrastructure resulted in transactional emails being delivered to the inbox.


EmailLabs is constantly monitored for traffic quality, which results in a high reputation of senders using shared IP. This ensures mailings don’t end up in SPAM and are very well received by Polish and foreign mailbox providers such as Onet, WP, Gmail or


With detailed real-time reports in the user's panel, store employees can instantly see what happened with each email they send, verify whether the customer opened the message or clicked on it, and exactly what they clicked on and when. This provides valuable evidence and data for the support team, rather than relying on assumptions.

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