
EmailLabs infrastructure expansion – facilitations for Microsoft Azure users

Aleksandra Duło, 17 March 2023


EmailLabs’ customer base is constantly growing, especially with foreign customers. This is why we continue to invest in server infrastructure, which will provide even better quality services. This time, we have good news for users of Microsoft Azure software.

We would like to inform you that Vercom S.A., has signed an agreement to connect to the Internet Exchange Point (IXP). The link and two new data centers will be launched in Q2 – the first half of this year.

Benefits for Microsoft Azure users

Connecting EmailLabs’ server infrastructure to the traffic exchange point will enable Microsoft Azure users to connect directly to our services. This is important news for companies that use the Azure cloud platform and need secure and reliable access to the server infrastructure responsible for delivering their email communications. 

Connecting to an Internet traffic exchange point (IXP) can increase our efficiency and effectiveness, translating into better business results for our customers. EmailLabs users can directly access Azure platforms, increasing their productivity and efficiency. In addition, the direct connection to the Azure cloud platform benefits users of both platforms by enabling faster and more reliable data transfer. 

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Expanding EmailLabs infrastructure with new servers

In the interest of the security and capacity of our infrastructure, we are also expanding our server connections. Joining our resources is an NTT server located in Germany. In turn, one of our server rooms located in Poland is being expanded with a second, more modern location. Both server centres have the appropriate certifications including ISO 27001, ISO 14001 and PCI DSS.

As EmailLabs, we care about the highest quality of our services, so we need to expand our infrastructure with servers with appropriate security confirmations.

Certifications of the server room located in Poland:

  • Rated 4 ANSI/TIA-942 – is a standard created by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) that specifies requirements for the design, construction and maintenance of a data centre (CPD). The standard aims to ensure reliability, performance, scalability and security for the data centre.
  • ISO 27001 – is the international standard for information security management systems (ISMS). This standard specifies requirements and recommendations for ensuring information security in an organisation, regardless of its size and operations. The main objective of ISO 27001 is to provide adequate protection of information critical to an organisation’s operations.
  • ISO 14001 – is the international standard for environmental management. This standard specifies an organization’s Environmental Management System (EMS) requirements. The purpose of ISO 14001 is to ensure that organisations conduct their operations sustainably and environmentally friendly manner. Under ISO 14001, organisations must conduct audits and risk assessments to identify and manage potential adverse environmental impacts of their operations.
  • PCI DSS – is the payment industry’s data security standard that specifies requirements for the processing, storing and transmitting of payment card data. The PCI Security Standards Council, an association of payment companies such as Visa, Mastercard and American Express, developed the standard. The purpose of the PCI DSS is to ensure the security of payment card data and protect against data theft and other forms of fraud.
  • SOC 2 – Service Organization Control 2 is a security standard developed by The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). The standard specifies requirements for information security control systems in companies providing cloud or outsourced services. SOC 2 defines five categories of security requirements: security, availability, confidentiality, the confidentiality of processing and integrity of information systems.

Certifications for the server room located at NTT in Germany:

  • ISO 9001 – is an international standard for quality management systems. This standard specifies requirements for processes, procedures and documentation that must be implemented in an organisation to ensure the quality of products or services. ISO 9001 is based on the principle of continuous improvement, which is the improvement of processes to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the quality management system.
  • ISO 50001 – is an international standard for energy management that specifies requirements and recommendations for effective energy management in organisations. The standard helps companies cut energy costs and reduce the environmental impact of their operations. Under ISO 50001, organisations must develop and implement an energy management system that addresses specific guidelines.
  • ISO 27001 and IT-GS A10 – IT-GS A10 is one of ten standards from Germany’s Federal Office for Technical Security (BSI) that specifies requirements for implementing information security management systems in organisations. The requirements of ISO 27001 and IT-GS A10 are very similar. They cover topics such as identifying and managing information security risks, ensuring business continuity during security incidents, controlling access to systems and data, and monitoring and auditing information security systems.
  • PCI DSS – Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard is an information security standard that was developed by electronic payment industry organisations (including Visa, Mastercard, and American Express) to protect payment card data. The PCI DSS specifies requirements for protecting payment card information and transactions, including physical protection of the environment in which card data is processed, safeguards for systems that process transactions, control of access to payment card information, implementation of risk management and business continuity procedures in case of incidents. In addition, PCI DSS compliance certification is required for companies processing, storing or transmitting payment card data.

Vercom S.A – continuous improvement 

It is worth mentioning that Vercom S.A. underwent an ISO 27001 and ISO 27018 surveillance audit, after which we received confirming certifications. The company continuously implements the information security policies, procedures and guidelines specified in the standards. One of our most important aspects is the security of servers and the entire infrastructure on which we base the services we offer customers.

Vercom is constantly raising user awareness and implementing appropriate virus detection, prevention, and data recovery controls. Last year, we implemented additional cyber-security training as a weekly guideline for employees. In addition, the organisation is subject to regular internal and external audits to improve its practices.

Read more: Vercom with ISO 27001 and ISO 27018 Certification

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